Clients and Products
Selected Magic Eye Books
The first three USA Magic Eye books set off the worldwide 3D craze of the 1990’s, hitting the best-seller lists in 25 countries around the globe. These and many other memorable Magic Eye books are available from our online store.
From the 1990s to the present we’ve worked with many prestigious clients to produce a host of books. This page will take you on a tour of some of the 30 books we have created.

Magic Eye I, a New York Times #1 Best Seller, appeared on the best seller list for 35 weeks.
Magic Eye I, II and III appeared on the New York Times best seller list for a combined 73 weeks.

The Magic Eye 25th Anniversary Book is available in our online store.
This 11″ x 11″ coffee table book features over fifty of the latest Magic Eye 3D Illusions.

What happens when you combine the magic of Harry Potter with Magic Eye 3D Illusions? Well, twice as much magic!

Magic Eye: Have Fun in 3D contains a collection of syndicated Magic Eye Sunday Newspaper comic strips.

Vision Specialists worldwide use Magic Eye 3D illusions as vision exercises to maintain or improve vision. To date, four Magic Eye vision exercise books have been published.

Amazing 3D illusions with amazing clients

More popular Magic Eye books, available at our on-line store.
Selected Other Products
Although Magic Eye is well known for books, posters and calendars, we’ve also created many other kinds of products, everything from neckties to bubble gum to 3D animations. The following list contains many of our more memorable products, some of which are available from our mail-order stores.

Videos and CDs
- Magic Eye I Video (with Cascom Intl.)
- Magic Eye II Video (with Cascom Intl.)
- Magic Eye Motion (CD with Quantrum Inc.)
Other Products

- Bubble Gum
- Calendars
- Daily Planners
- Greeting Cards
- Lunchboxes
- Mouse pads
- Mugs
- Posters
- Puzzles

Other Products
- Boxed Valentines
- Neckties
- Notebooks
- Picture frames
- Post cards
- Prints
- Sticker books
- T shirts
- Place mats
- Gift Bags
- Packaging Design

Selected Client List
As with Magic Eye Books, we’ve worked with many more prestigious clients than we are displaying below. Custom Client 3D Samples
- Alan Parsons Productions (CD cover design)
- American Airlines (Promotion)
- American Dairy Association (Posters)
- Amurol Confections (Magic Eye 3D Printed
Bubble Gum & Trading Cards) - Assemblies of God (Poster)
- Avery Dennison (Line of Notebooks)
- BBC Worldwide Publishing (Book)
- Bellwether Apparel (Magic Eye biking shirts)
- Brookville Tie Magic (Magic Eye neckties)
- Busch Gardens (Post card announcement)
- CalComp (Trade show poster and calendar)
- Cambridge University Press (Text book illustration)
- Capsugel (Promotion)
- Carnegie Science Center (Brochure cover)
- Cascom International (Magic Eye animations)
- CBS Television Marketing (Promotion)
- Converters Supply Inc. (Trade Show Poster)
- Daily Mail Weekend Magazine (Weekly feature & article)
- Delta Airlines (Promotion)
- Dep Gel Corp. (Point of purchase display and poster)
- Disney (Book, calendar, postcard book, posters)
- EG&G (Trade magazine promotion)
- EMI (Queensryche CD interior design)
- Fordham University (Brochure cover)
- Fox Television (X Files billboard)
- General Mills (Cereal box designs for Honey Nut Cheerios,
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, and Clusters) - Girl Scouts of America (Advertisement and poster)
- Grammercy Pictures (“Mall Rats” poster)
- Grammy Awards Ceremony (Promotional post card)
- GTE (Product design)
- HBO (Poster and T-shirt design for movie “Cosmic Slop”)
- Hewlett Packard (Promotion)
- Hudson Taylor Ltd. (New product launch)
- Intel (Poster)
- Image Specialists (Brochure cover)
- Kawasaki (Poster)
- Kelloggs (Cereal box design for Rice Krispies)
- King Features Syndicate (Book)
- Lacek Group (Delta Airlines post card promotion)
- Lawter International (Trade show poster)
- Laser (Poster and post card)
- Lazer 103 Radio (Promotional Poster)
- l’editions Didier (Book)
- Lucasfilms (Star Wars calendar, post cards and poster)
- MADD (Poster)
- Marvel Comics (Book)
- Momentum IMC (3D animations and illustrations for
promoting Cherry Coke) - Moore Syndication (Safety posters for The Southern
Company) - Motorola Inc. (Promotion)
- National Geographic (Promotion)
- Nestles (School notebooks, promotion)
- Nickelodeon (Poster)
- Nightingale-Conant (product cover design)
- Paws Studio (Garfield Book)
- Pepsi (Magic Eye designs on boxes, cans,
bottles and posters) - Power Rangers (Poster)
- Quaker Oats (Snapple print advertisement)
- Ralston Purina (Several cereal box designs,
including Cookie Crisp) - REID Corporation (Calendar)
- Ryder (Advertisement)
- Senstar Capital Corporation (Convention poster)
- Six Flags Theme Park (Promotional post card)
- Sony (Spin Doctors CD Cover and poster)
- Sprint (Advertisement)
- Stella Cheese (Promotional cards)
- Swemco/S.E. Electronics (Brochure cover)
- Taylor Technology (Poster)
- The Coca-Cola Company (Packaging Design)
- Trane Corporation (Promotional post card)
- Universal Press Syndicate (Weekly worldwide
Syndicated comic strip) - United Way of Virginia (Brochure cover)
- University of Georgia (Poster)
- USMA, West Point (Football poster)
- Warner Brothers (Looney Tunes book and poster,
Four Harry Potter Magic Eye books, postcards, posters) - WGH/WLTW (Christmas Card)
Selected Media Mentions
Magic Eye 3D images receive frequent mentions in national and international media. The following is a list of some of our more memorable interviews, articles and media mentions.
Print Media, Interviews and Articles
- Der Spiegel
- Inc. Magazine
- L.A. Times, Inc.
- New York Times Magazine
- People Magazine
- Popular Science
- Publishers Weekly
- Rocky Mountain Media
- The National Enquirer
- USA Today
- the Daily Mail
Television and Film Mentions
- The Ellen Show
- Mallrats
- Seinfeld
- The David Letterman Show
- The Rosie O’Donnell Show
- The Simpsons
- The Tonight Show
- This Is Us
- Modern Family
- Lucifer
- The Late Show with Stephen Colbert